Archivi tag: 28 dicembre

December 28th – a day to remember

norman atlantic passengers atA year has already passed, and criminal investigations of the Prosecutor of Bari have not yet made completely light on the dynamics of the fire that destroyed the Norman Atlantic ferry, and devastated the lives of over 520 people.

For all, September 11th and November 13th are dates that correspond to the unfair loss of life of so many people for an insane act of violence by terrorists, but for those who have lived the experience on board the Norman Atlantic and those who, as we do, support them, 28 December 2014 corresponds to a day that is stamped with the memory of an equally insane and irresponsible behavior: overloading of trucks and people, failure to follow safety procedures at sea, unpreparedness and cowardice from a part of  the crew, and unjustifiable rescue procedures, imposing the Italian intervention and privileged savings on tugs costs for shipowners.

As we have communicated to all our clients, we have not forgotten our commitment and we continue working on the case to nail all the culprits to their responsibilities, to get the right compensation to victims, and to ensure there will not be another 28 December and another Norman Atlantic.

Merry christmas and a joyful new year from our team.